Kuypers van Kouteren


About us

We are down-to-earth, driven senior communication consultants. Tried and tested in communications. Specialized in developing an outstanding and relevant positioning for your brand or organization. We can transform this sharply into a successful creative concept.

We work together with specialists for the use in all possible media types. But we are also used working with the specialists you are currently working with. Based on a clear positioning, these parties are excellent to manage. We can then measure the results at the behavioral level (sales and brand awareness) and optimize your investment in marketing communication by the Brand Media Optimizer method.

Phone: +31 6 53 29 25 49
E-mail: ck@kvank.com

Phone: +31 6 53 98 03 59
E-mail: rvk@kvank.com

Call us for the first step towards a better return on your communication investments:
an outstanding and relevant positioning.